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2024 KalmarCTF

I played KalmarCTF 2024 with my univ club CyKor.

I think we did great considering the number of active members, and there was something to celebrate for myself.

I will write a write-up for challenges I solved/upsolved.

Thanks to everyone on Kalmarunionen for the CTF.

Crypto - Cracking The Casino (69 solves)

The challenge’s goal was to predict the randomness of a commitment.

Dice mode, card mode, and debug mode exist, and debug mode can reveal consecutive random.getrandbits(32) with a very high probability every round. Gather the information 624 times, untemper them, and setting state is enough to predict later outputs.

Solve code:

I think it’s worth sharing a short conversation about random.randint(0, 2**32 - 2).

Crypto - Re-Cracking The Casino (27 solves)

The previous challenge permitted the user to resign, but this time user has to win 250+ times out of 256, so the previous solution cannot work.

However, if g’s multiplicative order is smaller than h’s multiplicative order, it is possible to get some information about r from commitment.

def commit(pk, m):
    q, g, h = pk
    r = randint(1,q-1)

    comm = pow(g,m,q) * pow(h,r,q)
    comm %= q

    return comm,r

Setting r’s possible range as small as possible(dice mode) can recover r’s value if g’s order is at least 6 times smaller than h’s order.

It depends on luck setting g, h, so I reconnected like a few hundred times.

Solve code: ex.sage

After reading some discussion after CTF ended, I realized the range check (if not (x > 1 and x < q):) was a bug, which made the challenge slightly more difficult.

def verify(param, c, r, x):
    q, g, h = param
    if not (x > 1 and x < q):
        return False
    return c == (pow(g,x,q) * pow(h,r,q)) % q

Crypto - MathGolf-Warmup (32 solves)

The challenge was to generate a normal form from a recurrence relation which looks like this:

$s_n = as_{n - 1} + bs_{n - 2} \pmod p$

Fortunately, I was quite familiar with solving recurrence relations, maybe thanks to Functional(2022 ICC Athens).

However, finding $k$ which makes $s_n + ks_{n - 1} = (a + k)s_{n - 1} + bs_{n - 2} \pmod p$’s both sides the same ratio wasn’t so easy and realized that’s all $p$’s fault.

Fortunately(again, lol), the challenge itself gave a hint about using $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, I might have struggled more without it.

Solve code: ex.sage

Fun fact: I couldn’t still solve the challenge due to a time limit. The challenge required the user to pass 100 rounds, but with my environment(mostly network packet issues) it was not possible.

However, after making a ticket, the author(shalaamum) handled the issue in the kindest way possible.

(Upsolved) Misc - A Blockchain Challenge (19 solves)

I realized this challenge exists after spending too much time working on 0 solves crypto challs(Which was ****ing worth it), so only 2 hours was allowed for me to solve this.

After very slow code-reading, coming up with a solution didn’t take too long, however after very slow code-writing, minor bugs appeared and I couldn’t manage to finish it within 2 hours.

  • Start with some accounts generated, like 10 ~ 20.
  • If one of the accounts succeeds in hitting the block, get it, or tick.
  • Make sure to generate some more accounts when enough budgets are filled.

After finishing something more important, I fixed the code.

Solve code:

(Upsolved) Crypto - poLy1305CG (0 solves)

Someone said short-coded crypto challenges are the scariest.

No one including me could solve the challenge during the CTF. And the hint released afterward also didn’t really help me, but at least I got the courage I was in the correct way from it. Turns out my solution was unintended haha.

After solving it, I was so thrilled, that I bought dinner for some colleagues who stayed next to me.

Check it out:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Hash import Poly1305
from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20
import os

N = 240
S = 10
L = 3
I = 13

# "Poly1305 is a universal hash family designed by Daniel J. Bernstein for use in cryptography." - wikipedia
def poly1305_hash(data, Key, Nonce):
    hsh =, cipher=ChaCha20, nonce=Nonce)
    return hsh.digest()

# If i just use a hash function instead of a linear function in my LCG, then it should be super secure right?
class PolyCG:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Key = os.urandom(32)
        self.Nonce = os.urandom(8)
        self.State = os.urandom(16)

        # Oops.
        print("init = '" + poly1305_hash(b'init', self.Key, self.Nonce)[:I].hex() + "'")

    def next(self):
        out = self.State[S:S+L]
        self.State = poly1305_hash(self.State, self.Key, self.Nonce)
        return out

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pcg = PolyCG()
    v = []
    for i in range(N):
    print(f'{v = }')

    key = b"".join([ for _ in range(0, 32, L)])[:32]
    cipher =, nonce=b'\0'*8)
    flagenc = cipher.encrypt(b"kalmar{}")
    print(f"flagenc = '{flagenc.hex()}'")

After surfing the internet a bit, I made a pseudocode of poly1305 hash, and started solving.

from Crypto.Hash import Poly1305
from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20
import os

def poly1305_hash(data, key, nonce):
    hsh =, cipher=ChaCha20, nonce=nonce)
    return hsh.digest()

def divceil(a, b):
    return (a + b - 1) // b

def mypoly1305_hash(data, key, nonce):
    rs =, nonce=nonce).encrypt(b'\x00' * 32)
    r, s = rs[:16], rs[16:]

    r = int.from_bytes(r, "little")
    s = int.from_bytes(s, "little")
    r &= 0x0ffffffc0ffffffc0ffffffc0fffffff
    P = 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb

    res = 0
    for i in range(0, divceil(len(data), 16)):
        block = data[i*16:(i+1)*16] + b'\x01'
        res += int.from_bytes(block, "little")
        res = (r * res) % P
    res += s
    res %= 2**128
    res = res.to_bytes(16, "little")
    return res

for _ in range(10):
    msg = os.urandom(os.urandom(1)[0])
    key = os.urandom(32)
    nonce = os.urandom(8)
    res = poly1305_hash(msg, key, nonce)
    res2 = mypoly1305_hash(msg, key, nonce)

    assert res == res2

1. Setting the goal

Poly1305 works pretty much the same as normal LCG. 128 bit $r, s$ is set initially, and the result is calculated on a modulus $p = 2^{130} - 5$.

In this challenge, in which every hash calculation depended on one block, it can be written as the following:

$hash(a) = ar + s \pmod p$

So we know partial information about LCG’s output consecutively, and there is an attack about it called Stern’s attack(

I recently learned about this attack thanks to RBTree’s challenge for KAPO(POKA) CTF which was authored by Dreamhack.

So we can conclude we can recover $r$ from outputs’ partial pieces of information with Stern’s attack.

…OR IS IT???

    for i in range(0, divceil(len(data), 16)):
        block = data[i*16:(i+1)*16] + b'\x01'
        res += int.from_bytes(block, "little")
        res = (r * res) % P
    res += s
    res %= 2**128

After calculating the result on $\bmod p$, the hashing algorithm only returns 128 LSB, to make the hash 16 bytes long.

Specifically, $(0 \sim 4) \times 2^{128}$ is subtracted after calculating $ar + s \pmod p$.

We can write it this way:

$hash(a) = ar + s - (0 \sim 4) \times 2^{128} \pmod p$

LCG’s important property is broken, but I will continue and review this when it’s time to use Stern’s attack.

2. Making the unknowns consecutive (Unintended)

We can see hash is represented to bytes with little-endian, and only hash[10:13] is revealed.

So when $k$ is the known 3 bytes of $h$ value, we can write it like this:

$h = a + 2^{80}k + 2^{104}b \pmod p, (0 \leq a < 2^{80}, 0 \leq b < 2^{24})$

Because $p = 2^{130} - 5$, I thought it was possible to make two error variables into one larger error variable by multiplying some.

This is the result after multiplying $2^{26}$.

$2^{26}h = 2^{26}a + 2^{106}k + 2^{130}b = 2^{26}a + 2^{106}k + 5b\pmod p$
$= 2^{106}k + c \pmod p, (0 < c \leq 2^{106})$

I will rewrite this in a more general form. $s_i$ represents the small error ($0 \sim 4$) I mentioned in the previous step.

  • $h_{i + 1} = a_{i + 1} + 2^{80}k_{i + 1} + 2^{104}b_{i + 1} = rh_i + s - 2^{128}s_i \pmod p$
  • $h_{i + 2} = a_{i + 2} + 2^{80}k_{i + 2} + 2^{104}b_{i + 2} = rh_{i + 1} + s - 2^{128}s_{i + 1} \pmod p$

  • $h_{i + 1} - h_{i + 2} = (a_{i + 1} - a_{i + 2}) + 2^{80}(k_{i + 1} - k_{i + 2}) + 2^{104}(b_{i + 1} - b_{i + 2})$
  • $h_{i + 1} - h_{i + 2} = r(h_i - h_{i + 1}) + 2^{128}(s_{i + 1} - s_{i})$

I will redefine some values.

  • $H_i = h_{i} - h_{i + 1}$
  • $A_i = a_{i} - a_{i + 1}, (-2^{80} < A_i < 2^{80})$
  • $B_i = b_{i} - b_{i + 1}, (-2^{24} < B_i < 2^{24})$
  • $S_i = s_{i} - s_{i + 1}, (-4 \leq S_i \leq 4)$
  • $K$ represents every known values like $2^{80}(k_{i} - k_{i + 1})$ from now on.
$H_i = A_i + 2^{104}B_i + K$
$H_{i + 1} = rH_i + 2^{128}S_i$

$2^{26}H_i = 2^{26}A_i + 2^{130}B_i + K = C_i + K$
$2^{26}H_{i + 1} = r2^{26}H_i + 2^{130} \times 2^{24}S_i = r2^{26}H_i + 5 \times 2^{24}S_i$

After defining $P_i = 2^{26}H_i, \; t = 5 \times 2^{24}$, the final equations are made.

$P_i = C_i + K, (-2^{106} < C_i < 2^{106})$
$P_{i + 1} = rP_i + tS_i, (-4 \leq S_i \leq 4)$

Now the goal is to recover $r$ from $N - 1 = 239$ infos about $P_i = C_i + K$.

3. Why does Stern’s attack work???

Let’s review Stern’s attack.

$\begin{bmatrix} v_0 & v_1 & v_2 & \cdots & v_{d - 1} \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} P_0 & rP_0 & r^2P_0 & r^3P_0 & \cdots \\ P_1 & rP_1 & r^2P_1 & r^3P_1 & \cdots \\ P_2 & rP_2 & r^2P_2 & r^3P_2 & \cdots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \\ P_{d - 1} & rP_{d - 1} & r^2P_{d - 1} & r^3P_{d - 1} & \cdots \\ \end{bmatrix}$

$= \begin{bmatrix} D & rD & r^2D & r^3D & \cdots \end{bmatrix} , \; D = v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + \cdots + v_{d - 1}P_{d - 1}$

Stern’s attack succeeds by finding small vector $\begin{bmatrix} v_0 & v_1 & v_2 & \cdots & v_{d - 1} \end{bmatrix}$ satisfying $D = 0$.

$\begin{bmatrix} P_0 & P_1 & P_2 & \cdots & P_{d - 1} \end{bmatrix}$’s $d$ values are pretty big and random, but there is only one constraint so we can expect vectors with elements’ size around $p^{\frac{1}{d}}$.

What about the current case?

$ \begin{matrix} \begin{bmatrix} v_0 & v_1 & v_2 & \cdots \end{bmatrix} \\ \times \begin{bmatrix} P_0 & rP_0 + tS_0 & r^2P_0 + rtS_0 + tS_1 & r^3P_0 + r^2tS_0 + rtS_1 + rS_2 & \cdots\\ P_1 & rP_1 + tS_1 & r^2P_1 + rtS_1 + tS_2 & r^3P_1 + r^2tS_1 + rtS_2 + rS_3 & \cdots\\ P_2 & rP_2 + tS_2 & r^2P_2 + rtS_2 + tS_3 & r^3P_2 + r^2tS_2 + rtS_3 + rS_4 & \cdots\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots\\ \end{bmatrix} \end{matrix}$

Is it possible for some vector $\begin{bmatrix} v_0 & v_1 & v_2 & \cdots \end{bmatrix}$ to make the upper multiplied result a zero vector?

The result looks like this, and I’m sure you might notice the pattern:

$ \begin{matrix} [ (v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + v_2P_2 + \cdots), \\ r(v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + v_2P_2 + \cdots) + t(v_0S_0 + v_1S_1 + v_2S_2 + \cdots), \\ r^2(v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + v_2P_2 + \cdots) + rt(v_0S_0 + v_1S_1 + v_2S_2 + \cdots) + t(v_0S_1 + v_1S_2 + v_2S_3 + \cdots), \\ \cdots ] \end{matrix}$

Every term is linearly constructed with $(v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + v_2P_2 + \cdots)$, and

  • $(v_0S_0 + v_1S_1 + v_2S_2 + \cdots)$
  • $(v_0S_1 + v_1S_2 + v_2S_3 + \cdots)$
  • $(v_0S_2 + v_1S_3 + v_2S_4 + \cdots)$
  • $(v_0S_3 + v_1S_4 + v_2S_5 + \cdots)$
  • $ \cdots$ .

Unlike $(v_0P_0 + v_1P_1 + v_2P_2 + \cdots)$, making $(v_0S_? + v_1S_? + v_2S_? + \cdots)$ zero is very easy because every $S_i$ is extremely small($-4 \sim 4$)! Even though there are many constraints to satisfy, it is not hard.

In conclusion, we can apply Stern’s attack directly to this challenge too. With well-set parameters, finding working vectors for $\begin{bmatrix} v_0 & v_1 & v_2 & \cdots \end{bmatrix}$ isn’t very hard. We finally can calculate $r$.

4. The rest of the challenge

From 13 lower bytes of $hash(“init”)$, we can recover lower 104 bits of $s$. We can write $s = 2^{104}s_a + s_0$ and also can represent the initial state with $s_a$ after some observation.

There are only $2^{24}$ possibilities for $s_a$, so brute-forcing until LCGs are in good shape and decryption results in a good-looking flag can solve the challenge.

Thanks to Lance Roy for the challenge.

My super dirty solve code: ex.sage

  • My solution is unintended, it will be awesome to study the Author’s solution too.
  • Special thanks to Genni, I rearranged my solution yesterday while talking with him. He thinks every column sharing the same constraints isn’t so magical after understanding. :(